"A first-rate documentary...absorbing....excellent." -Leonard Maltin
"Well-researched, well-crafted and fascinating.
The rise and attraction of modernism on the heels of the postwar economic boom birthed contemporary design and philosophy that continue to exist and flourish today, influencing mega businesses, including Apple. The idea of beauty with utility, which was generated from the Bauhaus art movement, continues to remain vital today, and for this, we thank Noyes.” -Sabina Dana Plassa, Film Threat
"Paints the picture of a man who was truly ahead of his time. Noyes held the belief that design was not an afterthought, but rather something that needed to be infused into every aspect of a company’s thought process. The result helped IBM become the technical design juggernaut of the early personal computing era, paving the way for companies like Apple to design products for the 21st century." -Sara Harowitz, The Georgia Straight